Vendredi 07 Février, 2025 á Dakar
Vendredi 01 Juin, 2018 +33

UCAD : les autorités déplorent les "conditions de vie exécrables"

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UCAD : les autorités déplorent les "conditions de vie exécrables"

Le recteur et le médiateur de l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD) de Dakar estiment que les "conditions de vie exécrables" entrainent la violence dans cet établissement.

"Les conditions de vie exécrables, la promiscuité dans le campus social, les angoisses, la peur de l'échec et les frustrations qui assaillent les étudiants de l’UCAD font que les germes de la violence se développent chez eux", a affirmé samedi le recteur de l'UCAD, Saliou Ndiaye.

 Il s'exprimait en marge d'un concours de plaidoirie axé sur le thème : "Bouter la violence hors de l’université, c’est possible".

 "Dans ce petit monde (l'université), les tensions ne peuvent pas manquer", a pour sa part reconnu le médiateur de l'UCAD, Mamadou Ndiaye.

 Le recteur a déploré la "massification des effectifs" à l'Université Cheikh Anta Diop, où le nombre d'étudiants est de 25.000 en 2000 à 85.500 en 2014, sans compter avec les 23.000 nouveaux bacheliers orientés cette année à l’UCAD.

15 Commentaires

  1. Auteur


    En Mars, 2014 (00:51 AM)
    l'avenir d'un pays c'est sa jeunesse , si ce gouvernement délaisse les étudiants cela prouve leur incompétence et leur immaturité , le gouvernement doit prendre ses responsabilité vis à vis des étudiants
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  2. Auteur

    Socio C'est La Merde

    En Mars, 2014 (08:42 AM)
    il faut supprimer le département de sociologie. les même bouffons minables jouent la comédie la-bas depuis des années et perçoivent des salaires pour leur bouffonneries. si vous voyez un bacheliers qui veut faire socio, de grâce dissuadez le. il va rien apprendre tant qu'il y aura dans ce département des guignols et des show man. parole du vieux singe ogotémé. :haha: 


    En Mars, 2014 (09:08 AM)
    A souleymane Ndene NDIAYE! Il est vrai qu'un pays ne se batit pas dans la haine,mais il ne se batira jamais dans l'impunite que tu sembles demander a Macky et ay peuple senegalais!

    Il faudra que les voleurs de la republique soient chaties et durement!

    Notre salut national ne viendra que de cette option.

    Oui Butu Banton

    En Mars, 2014 (09:19 AM)
    c'est la stricte vérité. Macky a une vision très simple de la gestion : appauvirir les gens. La manière dont il gère les affaires jette le doute sur ses compétences.


    En Mars, 2014 (10:08 AM)
    Le problème de la surpopulation universitaire est très difficile pour beaucoup. Et le recteur a bien raison de le dire. Excusez-moi du terme, mais parfois c'est la jungle car chacun veut satisfaction et les processus et moyens mis en place par le gouvernement sont loin d'assurer le minimum syndical en termes de service. Pour exemple, il a toujours un retard dans le paiement des bourses des étudiants bénéficiaires; pour manger certains mettent des heures à faire le rang; pour quelques chambres à codifier, les étudiants passent des nuits blanches à répondre à des appels sur liste. Je parle de ce que j'ai pu voir quand j'y ai fait mes 4 ans (2000-2004) avant d'aller finir mes études ailleurs.

    Outre ces éléments précités, je crois qu'il faudrait qu'on ait aussi une culture de l'investissement en créant de l'emploi. Beaucoup de millionnaires (en grande partie politiciens) planquent leur sous sans créer la moindre activité ou s'achètent des 4/4 à des millions au lieu d'apporter leur pierre de touche à l'édifice. Il serait opportun, il me semble, que nous orientions nos investissements dans d'autres secteurs autres que le bâtiment. Cela permettrait à beaucoup d'étudiants d'avoir une porte de sortie : un emploi.

    Voilà mon avis chers senewébiens.
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    à Vos Com'

    En Mars, 2014 (11:02 AM)
    l'université passionne le sénégalais qui lui est fasciné par les diplômes :-D 


    Yaya Dieme Victimes

    En Mars, 2014 (12:00 PM)
    List Of Yahya Jammeh’s Crimes against Gambians

    Prisoners execute in Mile 2 Prisons August 23, 2012

    1. Lamin B. Darboe

    2. Alieu Bah

    3. Lamin Jarju

    4. Dawda Bojang

    5. Malang Sonko

    7. Lamin F Jammeh

    8. Gibril Bah (Senegalese)

    9. Tabara Samba, raped multiple times before her execution (Senegalese, female)

    Gambians recently murdered on orders of Yahya Jammeh

    Abdoulie Colley, Abuko Village

    Musa Badjie, collapsed and died in Mile 2 Prison, August 25, 2012

    Wuyeh Colley, Kanunorr village, murdered August 22, 2012

    Enor Colley, Kanunorr village, murdered August 22, 2012

    Regime’s witching-hunting Kangaroo Trials

    GAMCOTRAP’s Dr. Isatou Touray and Co. trials

    GNOC’s Beatrice Allen and Co. trials

    Suruwa Wawa B. Jaiteh and Dr. Loum’s trials

    Dr. Amadou Jallow and Co. trials

    Dr. Alasan Bah and Co’s trials

    Recent arrest, detention and charged with treason

    Amadou Scattred Janneh, former minister of Information

    Ndey Tapha Sosseh, former president of the Gambia Press Union

    Mathew K. Jallow

    Famara Demba

    Modou Keita

    Ebrima Jallow

    Michael C. Uche Thomas (died in prison)

    Torture and Yahya Jammeh’s convoy related deaths

    Demba Sibey of Numuyel village

    A third grader from Saaba Primary School

    A young girl killed Yahya Jammeh’s motorcade/Gunjur prayer fest

    Paul Bass NIA operative killed by Jammeh’s convoy

    Arab businessman dead in collided with Jammeh’s convoy

    A soldier from Sintet village killed escorting Jammeh’s convoy

    A little girl killed by convoy during Mauritanian President’s visit

    A child killed by stampede for Jammeh’s biscuits at Sere Kunda market

    In total since 1994 nearly twenty people; children and adults have died as a direct result of Yahya Jammeh’s speeding convoys and biscuit throwing to crowds.

    Recent Arrests of journalists

    Sports Editor Nanama Keita, facing witch-hunting/Kangaroo Trial

    Ahmed Alota, arrested, detained, released

    Executed and Murdered Civilian and Military

    Ousman Koro Ceesay

    Deyda Hydara

    Sidia Sanyang

    Ebrima Chief Manneh

    Omar Barrow

    Lamin Sanneh

    Ousman Ceesay

    Sarjo Kunjang

    Ebrima Barry

    Ousman Ceesay

    Saja Kujabi

    Haruna Jammeh

    Yaya Jammeh

    Daba Marena

    Staff Sergeant Manlafi Corr

    Sergeant Major Alpha Bah

    Lieut. Ebou Lowe

    Lieut. Alieu Ceesay

    Sgt. Fafa Nyang

    Lieut. Basiru Barrow

    Cpt. Sadibou Hydara

    Lieut. Almamo Manneh

    Lieut. Abdoulie Dot Faal

    Lieut. Bakary Manneh

    Lieut. Buba Jammeh

    Lieut. Momodou Lamin Darboe

    Cadet Officer Sillah

    Lieut. Basiru Camara

    Corpl. Mendy

    Lieut. Gibril Saye

    Sergeant Dumbuya

    Momodou Sowe

    Gambians detained, released in Jail or murdered between 1994-2012

    RSM Alpha Bah (exected

    Major Ebrima Bah

    Lt Momodou Alieu Ba

    Corporal Samba Bah

    Tijan Bahoum: Power Supply Director NAWEC

    Kemo Balajo: ex-National Intelligence Agency

    Foday Barry: ex-NIA; director of Intelligence

    Ourani Barry: ex-Senior Civil Servant

    Lamin Bojang: Medical Research Council

    Ebrima Camara: ex-police officer

    Omar Barru Camara: ex-MP APRC

    Captain Wassa Camara

    2nd Lt Alieu Ceesay

    Lamin Ceesay: Politician

    Madi Ceesay: President, Gambia Press Union

    Awa Darboe Cham: wife of alleged coup leader Ndure Cham

    Lamin Cham: ex-Daily Observer, BBC correspondent

    Lamin Cham: Politician

    Momat Cham: former minister

    Momodou Cadi Cham: former politician

    Superintendent Abdoulie Colley: ex-police officer

    Retired Colonel Abdoulie Conteh: former KMC Mayor

    Staff Sergeant Manlafi Corr

    Captain Bunja Darboe

    Lamin R. Darboe: Politician

    Lamin Saiba Darboe

    Captain Yaya Darboe

    Adama Deen: former Managing Director Gambia Ports Authority

    Demba Dem: ex-MP APRC

    Momodou Demba: Politician

    Mariam Denton: Human Rights Lawyer

    Raif Diab: Businessman

    Ramzia Diab: former nominated MP, APRC

    Musa Dibba: ex-NIA Director of Finance

    Sheriff Mustapha Dibba: ex-Assembly Speaker

    Baba Drammeh: ex-Independent Electoral

    Commission (IEC) officer

    Omar Faal: Marabout

    Ansumana Fadera: ex-Senior Civil Servant

    Jerreh Fatty: Politician

    Lamin Fatty: journalist, The Independent newspaper

    Mariama Fatty: Politician

    Kebba Faye: ex-Senior Civil Servant

    Tamba Fofana: Head Master

    Abdou Gafar: journalist, Daily Express newspaper

    Lamin Gassama: Security Manager, Banjul International Airport

    Antouman Gaye: Lawyer

    Pa Njie Guirigara: General Manager, VM

    Sarane Hydara: ex-Senior Civil Servant

    Captain Abdoukarim Jah

    Karamo Jaiteh: former Managing Director, Gambia Roads Authority

    Suruwa Wawa B Jaiteh: former Permanent Secretary

    Staff Sergeant Buba Jammeh

    Haruna Jammeh. Villager

    Kebbaringo Jammeh: Councilor

    Marcel Jammeh. Villager

    Lance Corporal Babou Janha

    Amie Jarju. Villager

    Cherno Ndure Jarju: Politician

    Lamin Jarsey: Politician

    Tamsir Jassey: ex-Deputy Inspector General Police, Director of Immigration

    Dudu Kassa Jatta: Politician

    Ousman Rambo Jatta: Councilor

    Colonel Vincent Jatta: ex-Chief of Defense Staff (deceased)

    Momodou Jaw: ex-IEC officer

    Abdoulie Kanaji Jawla: MP, APRC

    Baboucarr Jobarteh: ex-Protocol Officer

    Maimuna Jobarteh: Politician

    Abdou Jobe: Managing Director, NAWEC

    Alieu Jobe: ex-Accountant General

    Duta Kamaso: ex-MP, APRC

    Kanyiba Kanyi: Politician

    Lamin Keita: ex-Senior Civil Servant

    Nato Keita: Politician

    Abdoulie Kujabi: ex-Director General, NIA

    Jasaji Kujabi

    Dr. Badara Loum: ex-Permanent Secretary

    Lt Ebou Lowe

    Mustapha Lowe: College student

    Bamba Manneh: ex-NIA operative

    Chief Ebrima B. Manneh: journalist, Daily Observer newspaper

    Fatou Jaw Manneh: journalist

    Kebba Yorro Manneh: Politician

    Daba Marena: ex-Director General, NIA

    Malick M’boob: ex-Daily Observer, RV

    Sulayman Sait M’boob: ex-Minister, IEC Commissioner

    Sergeant Buba Mendy

    Captain Pierre Mendy

    Omar Ndow: former Managing Director of Gamtel/Gamcel

    Ndondi S.Z. Njie: former Chairman of IEC

    Alhagie Nyabally: ex-President, Gambia Student Union

    Alassan Nyassi

    Balla Nyassi

    Dr. Badara Loum: Former Permanent Secretary, Agriculture

    Private Alagie Nying: Gambia National Army

    Sam Obi: Daily Express, RFI correspondent

    Baba Saho: ex-NIA director, External Security

    Musa Saidykhan: former Editor-In-Chief, The Independent newspaper

    Betrand Sambou

    Dodou Sanneh: former journalist, GRTS

    Ebrima Sillah Sanneh: ex-IEC officer

    Lamin Sanneh: former Permanent Secretary

    Sergeant Abdoulie Sanyang

    2nd Lt Pharing Sanyang: Gambia National Army

    Commander MB Sarr: Gambia National Army

    Lt M. Savage: Gambia National Army

    Ebou Secka: ex-Senior Civil Servant

    Nourou Secka: ex-NIA operative

    Momodou Senghore: ex-Senior Civil Servant

    Ousman Sey: Marabout

    Musa Sheriff: journalist, Gambia News & Report magazine

    Amie Sillah: journalist, women activist

    Alieu Singhateh: ex-NIA operative

    Kebba Singhateh: Politician

    Modou Sonko: journalist, Daily Observer newspaper

    Private Ebrima Sonko

    Juldeh Sowe: journalist, The Independent newspaper

    Issac Success: journalist, Daily Express newspaper

    Azziz Tamba: Politician

    Ebou Waggeh

    Arrest and Detention of Journalists

    October 2005: Abdoulie Sey

    2005: Musa Saidykhan

    March 2006: Musa Saidykhan

    March 2006: Madi Ceesay

    April 2006: Lamin Fatty

    Journalists on Exile in Senegal, Europe and the US

    Pa Ousman Darboe

    Alieu Badara Sowe

    Pa Ousman Darboe

    Musa Saidykhan

    Sulayman Makalo

    Omar Bah

    Alhagie Mbye

    Ebrima Sillah

    Augustus Mendy

    Bankole Thompson

    Papa Colley

    Sulayman Darboe

    Fatou Jaw Manneh

    Pa Omar Jatta

    Momodou Thomas

    Musa Saidykhan

    Ansumana Badjie

    Pa Samba Jaw

    Sarjo Bayang

    Pa Nderry Mbai

    Cherno Baba Jallow

    Ebrima Ceesay

    Baba Galleh Jallow

    Ebrima G. Sankareh

    Yankuba Jambang

    Mathew K. Jallow

    Military/Security mysterious deaths

    Captain Tumbul Tamba

    Captain Musa Jammeh

    Colonel Vincent Jatta

    Lieut. Solomon Jammeh

    Pa M. Jallow

    Manlafi Sanyang

    Boye Bah

    Momodou Bah

    Illo Jallow

    Military/Security/Civilian recently detained

    Lang Tombong Tamba

    Bore Badjie

    Omar Bun Mbye

    Demba Njie

    Lamin Fatty

    Yankuba Drammeh

    Malamin Jarju

    Kawsu (Bombardier) Camara

    Ngorr Secka, NIA

    Ensa Badjie

    Bun Sanneh

    Sarjo Fofana

    Military/Security/Civilians: detained, released, fled

    Captain Bunja Darboe

    Capt Yahya Darboe

    Capt. Wassa Camara

    2nd Lt Pharing Sanyang

    Alieu Jobe

    Tamsir Jasseh

    Omar Faal

    Demba Dem,

    Col. Ndure Cham

    Abdoulie Kujabi

    Kemo Balajo

    Alieu Singhateh

    Foday Barry

    Landing Sanneh

    Executed Military and Security officers 2006

    Alieu Ceesay

    Alpha Bah

    Manlafi Corr

    Ebou Lowe

    Daba Marenah

    Students Massacred April 11th. 2000

    Reginald Carrol

    Karamo Barrow

    Lamin A. Bojang

    Ousman Sabally

    Sainey Nyabally

    Ousman Sembene

    Bakary Njie

    Claesco Pierra

    Momodou Lamin Njie

    Ebrima Barry

    Wuyea Foday Mansareh

    Bamba Jobarteh

    Momodou Lamin Chune

    Abdoulie Sanyang

    Omar Barrow

    Burama Badjie

    Gambians Missing and Disappeared Since 2005

    Ebrima (Chief) Manneh: arrested July 2006

    Kanyiba Kanyi arrested September 2006

    Haruna Jammeh arrested in 2005

    Marcie Jammeh arrested in 2005

    Alfusainey Jammeh arrested in 2005

    Momodou Lamin Nyassi arrested in 2005

    Ndongo M’boob arrested in 2006

    Buba Sanyang arrested in 2006

    Alieu Lowe arrested in March 2006,

    Sgt. Sam Kambai arrested in 2006

    Bakary Gassama arrested in 2007

    Kebba Secka arrested in 2007

    Ebrima Dibba arrested in May 2008,

    Ebrima Kunchi Jammeh arrested in May 2008

    Cases of Regime ordered Arsons against media personals.

    August 8th. 2001, Radio Station 1 FM, was set ablaze around 2 a.m. in the morning, after proprietor George Christensen and his watchman were doused with hazardous chemicals in the hope of incinerating them. The two victims survived the ordeal, but the station was a total loss.

    August 10th. 2001, the home of Alieu Bah, Radio I FM journalist, who moderated debates and discussions between prominent personalities, was set ablaze around 3 a.m. while he, his wife and children were asleep. The family narrowly escaped death, but the house was gutted to the ground.

    October 17th. 2003, The Independent Newspaper premises were set on fire around 3 a.m in the morning when three unidentified masked men stormed the building, assaulted the night watchman and then sprayed him with fire hazard chemical in the hope he would burn to death. But he luckily survived the assault. The premises were destroyed beyond recognition.

    April 13th. 2004, the Kanifing printing facilities of the Independent Newspaper was set on fire around 2 a.m. by six individuals dressed in military fatigue. The printing machinery and other hardware equipment were completely destroyed.

    August 15th. 2004, the home of B.B.C reporter, Ebrima Sillah was set on fire as he slept. He narrowly escaped.

    Arrests and Detentions of Journalists

    September 19th. 2003, around 6 p.m. Abdoulie Sey, the Editor-in-Chief, The Independent Newspaper was arrested from his office by intelligence agents and held incommunicado. He was released four days later.

    September 2005, Musa Saidykhan, Editor-in-Chief, The Independent Newspaper, was detained for interrogation for a brief period of time shortly after returning from a South African journalist conference.

    March 27th. 2006, Musa Saidykhan, Editor-in-Chief, The Independent Newspaper, was arrested again by security agents a few days after publishing an article critical of Yahya Jammeh’s reactions in the wake of an alleged coup attempt on March 21, 2007. He was released after three weeks in detention.

    March 2006, Madi Ceesay, The Independent General Manager, arrested by the regime’s agents, was released after three weeks of detention.

    April 10th. 2006, Independent reporter, Lamin Fatty was arrested from his home by NIA agents and released after two months in detention and charged with false publication.

    April 25th. 2006, Independent receptionist, Juldeh Sowe, was arrested and released after several hours.

    July 7th. 2006, Daily Observer journalist, Ebrima Chief Manneh, was arrested by NIA officials from the Observer premises, was seen in public once after two years detention, at the Royal Victoria Hospital, sick and emaciated. Six powerful U.S Senators; Edward Kennedy, Richard (Dick) Durbin, Russell (Russ) Feingold and Joe Lieberman among others wrote to Yahya Jammeh asking him to release Journalist Manneh after being held for nearly three years. Manneh has since been confirmed murdered by Jammeh’s agents.

    May 24th. 2006, following the hacking of the online, Freedom Newspaper, five Gambian journalists whose names appeared on the paper’s readers list were arrested and detained for different lengths of time. After several months they were released. They are:

    Musa Sheriff

    Pa Modou Faal

    Lamin Cham

    Sam Obi

    Malick M’boob

    Other arbitrary arrests against journalistSeptember 2006, a Gambia Radio and Television Services reporter, Dodou Sanneh, was arrested and detained, and later fired, rehired and fired again from his job government job.

    March 28th. 2007, Fatou Jaw Manneh, a U.S. based Gambian journalist, was arrested at the airport, her traveling documents seized and charged with sedition. Her Kangaroo trial lasted more than a year. Her heavy fine was paid with donations from family and friends from all around the world.

    December 16th. 2005, police ruffed Ramatoulie Charreh up after the participants in a conference she attended, attempted to visit the spot where journalist Deyda Hydara was gunned down.

    2006, Njaimeh Bah, Point Newspaper reporter, attacked by unknown assailants, was severely beaten.

    December 12. 2006, Baron Eloagou, reporter for the Daily Express, was severely beaten by unknown assailants.

    December 2006, Abdougafar Olademinji, reporter for the Daily Express, was attacked by unknown assailants and beaten severely.

    June 14th. 2009, seven journalists and members of the Gambia Press Union (GPU), were rounded up from various locations by heavily armed paramilitary agents and detained at NIA headquarters before being transferred to the notorious Mile 2 prison outside Banjul. The group listed below, were granted bail and charged with publishing seditious material and their case is ongoing despite protestations of regional and international organizations such as Media Foundation for West Africa, Amnesty International, Community to Protect Journalists.

    Emil Touray, Secretary General Gambia Press Union

    Sarata Jabbi Dibba, Vice President, Gambia Press Union

    Pa Modou Faal, Treasurer, Gambia Press Union

    Pap Saine, Managing Director, The Point Newspaper

    Ebou Sawaneh, Editor, The Point Newspaper

    Sam Sarr, Managing Editor, The Foroyaa Newspaper

    Abubakr Saidy-Khan, journalist, Foroyaa newspaper.

    June 16th. 2009, Abdulhamid Adiamoh, Publisher of Today Newspaper, was arrested for false publication and detained at National Intelligence headquarters. Forced to plead guilty or face deportation back to Nigeria, he was fine an extortive amount of money or face six months jail time.

    June 22nd. 2009, Augustine Kanja, a reporter for The Point Newspaper, was arrested and detained by security agents. He was released June 25th, 2009.

    Attempted Murders: Fled Gambia

    Ousman Sillah: Attorney/Lawyer

    Mai Fatty: Attorney (Attorney/Lawyer

    Foreign nationals executed in Gambia

    44 Ghanaians

    2 Senegalese

    1 Togolese

    2 Nigerians

    72 Ministers: Appointed and Fired

    Mass Axi Gai

    Angela Colley

    Kanja Sanneh

    Neneh Macdoual-Gaye

    Therese Ndong-Jatta (resigned)

    Maba Jobe (hired & fired before taking office)

    Momodou Lamin Sedat Jobe (resigned)

    Joseph Henry Joof (resigned)

    Satang Jow (retired)

    Yankuba Kassama

    Margaret Keita

    Ousman Badjie

    Samba Bah

    Lamin Kaba Bajo

    Musa Bittaye

    Amie Bensouda

    Fatou Bom Bensouda

    John P. Bojang

    Momodou Bojang

    Nyimasata Sanneh

    Bojang Mamat Cham

    Ebrima Ceesay

    Momodou Nai Ceesay

    Ousman Koro Ceesay (murdered)

    Sulayman Massaneh Ceesay

    Bakary Bunja Dabo

    Fasainey Dumbuya

    Samba Faal

    Omar Faye

    Sadibou Haidara (murdered)

    Sheikh Tijan Hydara

    Blaise Jagne

    Balla Garba Jahumpa

    Momodou Sarjo Jallow

    Dr Amadou Scattred Janneh

    Manlafi Jarju

    Tamsir Mbowe

    Dominic Mendy

    Alieu Ngum

    Bakary Njie

    Omar Njie

    Susan Waffa-Ogoo

    Hawa Sisay Sabally

    Sana B. Sabally

    Abdoulie Sallah

    Hassan Sallah

    Momodou Sallah

    Sidy Morro Sanneh

    Kebba Sanyang

    Samsudeen Sarr

    Cheyassin Secka

    Musa Sillah

    Edward Singhatey

    Raymond Sock

    Amina Faal Sonko

    Baboucarr Jatta

    Famara Jatta

    Kumba Ceesay-Marenah

    Mustapha Marong

    Fafa Mbai

    Musa Mbenga

    Sulayman Mboob

    Bolong Sonko

    Bai Mass Taal

    Fatoumatta Tambajang

    Bemba Tambedou

    Yankuba Touray

    Crispin Grey Johnson

    Antouman Saho

    Lamin Bojang

    Marie Saine Firdaus

    Edward Gomez

    Mamburay Njie

    Compiled by Mathew K Jallow


    En Mars, 2014 (12:46 PM)
    Le problème ne se situe pas au niveau du nombre des étudiants. Au contraire 100.000 étudiants pour une pop de 12millions d'habitants c normal

    Il faut développer des infrastructures capable de les accueillir tous.

    Dans un pays comme l’Égypte, rien que la fac d'économie compte plus de 100.000 étudiants.

    On a besoin de toute cette jeunesse


    En Mars, 2014 (13:54 PM)
    plus de 110000 étudiants dans un même campus c'est comme enfermer des meutes de chiens de tout genres dans le même cachots , QUE DIEU NOUS VIENS EN AIDE
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    Aide Toi ,dieu T Aidera

    En Mars, 2014 (14:51 PM)
    la 1ere décision contre .....ces condition de vie inhumaine.....c est etre responsable et se mettre enfin à l heure....controle des naissances ! :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry: on ne peut pas faire n importe comment des enfants sans refléchir ,compté naiivement sur un état absent ,préoccupé que par leur clan et carriére ! vaincre la misére=faire moins d enfants  :haha:  :haha:  :haha: on est plus dans cette afrique ,mon afrique ,afrique des savanes ou avoir beaucoup d enfant était signe de richésse à l époque ,ce ne l est plus aujourd hui ,voir le cas odieux ,inhumain des marabous esclavagistes de petits talibés ! controle des naissances = moins de miseres ,plus de possibilités d aider accompagné une population raisonnable...controlée ! si vous refusez le controle des naissance ,alors venez pas pleuré ici ,c est votre problemes  :haha:  :haha:  :haha:  :haha:  :haha:  :haha:  :haha:  :haha: 


    En Mars, 2014 (16:56 PM)
    niogui déééé! plus de cinq mois sans bourses, pas de cours, l'année dernière n'a tjrs pas été bouclée... otant de problem okels on doit faire face, galsen rek la am :sad:  :sad:  :sad: 


    En Mars, 2014 (18:58 PM)
    Macky du dem t malheureusement c lui ki nous Dirigent c pour cela ke nioun du niou dem !!


    En Mars, 2014 (22:48 PM)
    le probleme à l'ucad est du au fait que le vieux golo Wade a construit bcp de lycée et pas d'universités. du coup l'université CAD ne peut pas absorber tous le nouveaux bachelier en dix ans sans nouvelle université...
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    En Mars, 2014 (01:43 AM)
    woy woy woy macky aide nous ........................ si tu continues dans cette lancée yalna boul ame 2 mandat


    Meissa Fall

    En Mars, 2014 (16:31 PM)
    Ce qui préoccupe l'Etat c'est de voir aucun bachelier non orienté.C'est pour quoi il fait tout pour que ces bacheliers soient orientés( leur droit le plus élémentaire ) quitte à payer des milliards pour les caser dans des universités privées.C'est la que la réflexion mérite d'etre faite.L' Etat ne peut pas et ne doit pas du tout débloquer des milliards chaque année pour que le surplus de nouveaux bacheliers soient orientés dans ces etabblisssements superieurs privés.Ces milliards doivent plutot servir à la construction de nouvelles universités non pas seulement à Dakar mais sur l' ensemble du territoire national.Et c'est ainsi que le projet régaliens:"Une région Une université ou encore Un département Une université" doit etre porté sur les fonds baptisimaux.Et comme ça Dakar qui souffre de la promiscuité du fait de la population qui s'y est massifiée sera dégengorgée.

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