This is the guy: The #Muazzin that was attacked, was attacked by a member of the congregation it is reported - so attempted murder at least...#regentspark #muezzin pic.twitter.com/Hw9C9MbheW
— Abbasi ???? (@MohammedAbbasi) February 20, 2020
???? #Londra: Un uomo è entrato nella moschea di Regent's Park e ha accoltellato il muezzin durante la preghiera del pomeriggio. Non sono chiari i moventi. Può essere un attacco anti-islamico.@Emergenza24 #breaking #news #GB #ultimora #muezzin #allarme #polizia #islam @agambella https://t.co/gHV2TFzvoG
— DaniDan (@danieledann1) February 20, 2020
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