Dimanche 09 Mars, 2025 á Dakar
Vendredi 01 Juin, 2018 +33

Annonce de l'ambassade des États-Unis au Sénégal

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Annonce de l'ambassade des États-Unis au Sénégal

The US Embassy Dakar has a requirement for the acquisition of Legal Services for house sale.

Companies interested in the solicitation shall contact the procurement office at [email protected] to request the solicitation package, available in English language only.

Offers shall be submitted not later than April 27, 2023 - noon local time.

10 Commentaires

  1. Auteur

    Democratic Assistance Asap

    En Avril, 2023 (16:37 PM)
    The US embassy is witnessing and blessing the power abuse from a MAcky Sall

    The USA prompt of critisizing democratic standards of China, Russia, Syria  or Burma and North Korea is totally indifferent to the blatant violation of human engaged by the regime of MAcky Sall against the leaders of the significant opposition.

    The USA is closing it's sharp eyes (when it comes to it's fo countries ) to the jeopardising of democratic achievements in Senegal by a corrupted and violent leader   who is widely seen , not only by Senegalese people  but by most African aware of the current world affairs as the most loyal servant of western interest ( particularly France ) at the expenses of the national interest of his own country - making him according to wide acceptation a very effective servant of France and the west by enlarge.

    Vast majority of Senegalese agrees that the power abuse carried out by MAcky Sall against fondamental right of the opposition to prevail in the political arena within it's constitutional right, that power abuse is backed by both France, USA and their natural western allies ( so called international community.

    It have become a sad conviction of the African youth of today that " No progressiste leader will rule Africa as it is the way the west has design this place:  design for 100 % exploitation by the West who will never allow none corrupted leaders in power for the service of the people of Africa primarily, before accepting to be fairly exploited to quote the former Malaysian prime minister Mahatir in front the western guest:

    " We don't mind being exploited, we have no probleme with that.  All we want is just to be exploited with a bit of fairness" .


    The Senegalese diaspora calling for the intervention of USA to halt the Human right abuse and violation of democratic right by the senegalses dictator who is using the army and security forces to suppress democratic exercice challenging their corrupted leadership.

    Two days ago Bassirou Djomay Faye  deputy leader of the PASTEF Parti of Sonko Ousmane was roughly abducted in from his workplace and for fallacious argument ( none sense a simple use of metaphor and similis to discribe the abusive way Macky's government is operating leading to next election. À Plan previously stated by President sall: " Je réduirai l'opposition À son expression la plus minimaliste des minima", " i will reduce any significant opposition to my leadership to its most minimal form of expression".   This statement summarises everything The sall regime is doing now ( jailing one by one that opposition under unsignificant argument.   No critic is allowed in today's Senegal or at least from that targeted opposition ortherwise jail.


    This is a call from desperate Senegalese citizens abroad, addressed to the Leading Country for Freedom in the world.  

    God bless USA - God bless Senegal - long live to the traditional  friendship between our two countries.
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    • Auteur


      En Avril, 2023 (05:11 AM)
      USA should intervene and force Macky Sall to stop his abuse against Senegalese citizens. 
  2. Auteur

    En Avril, 2023 (21:19 PM)
    {comment_ads} {comment_ads}

    En Avril, 2023 (02:12 AM)
    katlen ndeyam lakk wolof way modafaking you bonn yi .

    En Avril, 2023 (05:49 AM)
    Quand est ce le Senegal  va adopter le English pour enfin se développer et sortir de la Francafrique

    En Avril, 2023 (00:32 AM)
    Vous avez la haine de la France mais si demain, l'entrée en France  se faisait sans visas, le Sénégal se viderait de ses occupants.  Rien qu'à voir la file d'attente devant l'ambassade à  Dakar. 
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    En Avril, 2023 (06:52 AM)
    il ne resterait plus que  les vieux au Sénégal toutes les forces vives du Sénégal serait en Europe ou peut-être en Russie cela est la nouvelle mode de toute façon pour faire passer la chiasse sa soulage de critiquer la France 

    En Avril, 2023 (19:38 PM)
    En Francais s il vous plait. Ce n est pas de détester l Anglais, mais la plupart ici ne comprend pas et c est normal. Beaucoup ne parlent pas le Serere non plus, ha Foulbés ?

    • Auteur


      En Avril, 2023 (15:38 PM)
      I suspect they need candidates who can speak and write in English.  The position is for legal consultation.  


    En Avril, 2023 (19:58 PM)

    En Avril, 2023 (13:28 PM)
    Who's gives a fuck about the US embassy opinions? They are the biggest and most cruel human right violators. They have abused African Americans rights for centuries, this people have the largest jail population on earth, and the overwhelming majority of the prisoners are BLACK 

    Why you Senegalese possess such complex toward whites people. 

    US and France not reference, they have abused you and continued to exploit African

    They don't consider Africans human but you fucking idiot are so obsessed by your tribalism  and hatred toward the president Macky that you start to contradict yourselves

    You've preached France degage, zenophoby, liars, bigotry and nationalism/populism for years now, and the gullible youth and unsophisticated diaspora have fallen for it. So for you to cite US opinion on our internal and national affairs as if it fucking matter at all, is hypocrisy and a blatant example of your contradiction 

    You leader tried to sell us righteousness and islamic values but Senegalese are finding out his true colors, 

    He is incompetent to lead a party let alone a nation

    His moral values are questionable at best, with two apparently devoted muslim wives, this idiot has nothing else to do, but take his sorry ass to this dubious place ( to be nice) during covid pandemic shutdown  and get accused of rape by a 19 years old orphan!!!!!@@@@@

    Accused Mamadou Mbaye niang, alioune sall, Mamour diallo of stealing billion without evidence 

    Insulted all our institutions, this imbecile cannot make the difference between APR and the State of Senegal. Insulting Generals, judges and moral leaders, using our ethnic difference as political weapons between peul and wolof.... this guy is a danger to our nation

    In 10 months inchala we have the opportunity to chose the next president and that's only way ... stop the violence, the liars, the victimization and bigotry but instead we need candidates with high moral standards, experience and with plan and all key sectors of the economy. 


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    • Auteur


      En Avril, 2023 (02:17 AM)
      Your post is a big bunch of crap, of bullshit full of  blatant lies and fake news to manipulate public opinion against OS and for the benefit of MS, the bloodthirsty dictator and his corrupt regime. For sure, the bell is tolling for the end of MS's banana republic, for the end of repression, arbitrary jailing of political opponents, activits and journalists, and for the forthcoming exit of this gang of lawbreakers and weaponizers of our justice system. MS is nothing but a ringleader, a chief of big time bandits, who have siphoned off unimaginable amounts of billions of our public funds and squandered or plundered enormous quantities of our economic resources, in cahoot with their voracious foreign partners in crime.
      For whom the bell tolls? It tolls for MS and his corrupt and incompetent government!    

    At The End Of The Day

    En Avril, 2023 (02:24 AM)
    Here in the states , we really do not give a damn about your internal affairs in senegal. we love and respect the people of senegal and will continue to support you in your economic and democratic goals . Now for some of the ass holes who are trying to talk bad about our country, come say it to our face, if you have a bit of courage left . God bless the United States of America ! 

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