Vendredi 07 Mars, 2025 á Dakar
Vendredi 01 Juin, 2018 +33

Mammoth crowd greets Kadhafi in Dakar

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Mammoth crowd greets Kadhafi in Dakar

Dakar, Senegal 04/04 -- Thousands of Senegalese Monday gathered at the international airport and lined the streets here to welcome the Libyan revolutionary leader Moammar Kadhafi upon arrival for a four-day official visit to Senegal.

He will attend festivities marking the celebration of Senegal`s 46th independence anniversary on Tuesday, as well as hold talks with President Abdoulaye Wade on bilateral, African and international issues, and address the National Assembly.

Several youth and women groups clad in T-shirts embossed with photos of the Libyan leader and President Wade carried giant posters and banners hailing bilateral ties between both countries and Col. Kadhafi`s role in African and world affairs.

Traditional dancers, drummers and musicians also turned out in their numbers dressed in colourful costumes to greet the Guide of the Libyan Revolution Col. Kadhafi who last visited the West African nation some 21 years ago.

A special guard of honour sounded the gun salute announcing the arrival of the Libyan leader as he disembarked from the plane and was received by an array of government officials led by President Abdoulaye Wade and Prime Minister Macky Sall as well as opposition political leaders.

Breaking away from the tradition of playing national anthems of the two countries, the Senegalese military band played the anthem of the African Union, apparently symbolising the commitment of the two African leaders to the concept of a United States of Africa.


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