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Vendredi 01 Juin, 2018 +33

Ahmadinejad to Leave for Senegal on Wednesday

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Ahmadinejad to Leave for Senegal on Wednesday


TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is due to leave Tehran on a tour of Senegal, Cuba, Venezuela and US on Wednesday. 

According to a statement released by the Presidential Press Office, Ahmadinejad's official visits start with his one-day trip to Dakar which will take place in response to the recent visit to Tehran by the Senegalese President.

Ahmadinejad's visit to Senegal is to focus on mutual cooperation.

The Iranian President will leave Dakar for Havana to attend the next meeting of the group 15 and the upcoming NAM summit.

He is also due to attend talks with Cuban officials to review the latest agreements signed by the two sides.

Ahmadinejad will next leave the Cuban capital city of Havana for Venezuela on an official visit at the invitation of President Hugo Chavez, where the two sides are expected to endorse plenty of new cooperation agreements and memoranda of understanding.

To end his extra-territorial trip, the Iranian President will eventually pay a visit to the UN headquarters in New York in order to address the 61st meeting of the UN General Assembly and attend meetings with the heads of different world states.


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