
Youssou Ndour est à Paris pour les besoins de la présentation du conte musical Birima. L’événement s’étend sur trois jours (20-23 septembre) au Théâtre du Châtelet. Au cours de l’une de ses prestations, le leader du Super Étoile a été confronté à une manifestation de pro-Ousmane Sonko.
D’après Les Échos, qui décrit la scène dans son édition de ce jeudi, alors qu’il se produit avec son orchestre, Youssou Ndour entend monter dans la salle «Libérez Sonko ! Libérez Sonko ! Macky dictateur !».
Immédiatement, rapporte le journal, il demande aux musiciens du Super Étoile d’arrêter de jouer. «Visiblement, il y a des gens qui veulent faire passer un message», décrypte le chanteur. Avant de tendre son micro aux manifestants : «Nous vous donnons deux minutes, après on reprend.»
Ainsi repartent les messages pour la libération de Sonko et contre le régime de Macky Sall. Le temps imparti s’écoule et le spectacle reprend comme prévu.
D’après Les Échos, qui décrit la scène dans son édition de ce jeudi, alors qu’il se produit avec son orchestre, Youssou Ndour entend monter dans la salle «Libérez Sonko ! Libérez Sonko ! Macky dictateur !».
Immédiatement, rapporte le journal, il demande aux musiciens du Super Étoile d’arrêter de jouer. «Visiblement, il y a des gens qui veulent faire passer un message», décrypte le chanteur. Avant de tendre son micro aux manifestants : «Nous vous donnons deux minutes, après on reprend.»
Ainsi repartent les messages pour la libération de Sonko et contre le régime de Macky Sall. Le temps imparti s’écoule et le spectacle reprend comme prévu.
38 Commentaires
En Septembre, 2023 (13:05 PM)Gassama
En Septembre, 2023 (14:00 PM)Gassama
En Septembre, 2023 (14:00 PM)Démocratie
En Septembre, 2023 (15:27 PM)Farba
En Septembre, 2023 (15:41 PM)Poseidon Badji
En Septembre, 2023 (18:03 PM)Reply_author
En Septembre, 2023 (18:15 PM)Vous imaginez si des français interrompaient des activités culturelles au Sénégal pour manifestder en faveur de Le Pen ou Zemmour
Poseidon Badji
En Septembre, 2023 (18:39 PM)Reply_author
En Septembre, 2023 (13:11 PM)Reply_author
En Septembre, 2023 (13:51 PM)Comme on vous paye pour écrire, mettez plus de sérieux dans vos messages avant de les publier pour mériter le salaire qu'on vous paye.
En Septembre, 2023 (14:47 PM)Reply_author
En Septembre, 2023 (13:14 PM)Sall
En Septembre, 2023 (13:12 PM)Observateur
En Septembre, 2023 (13:13 PM)Mais aussi un grand Opportuniste qui ne croit en rien, que l'argent et sa gloire et ses affaires.....point.....
le pays ne l'a jamais intéressé, a chaque fois que le pays traverse des moments difficiles en démocratie il s'éclipse ,il est différent de Alpha Blondy, et autres chanteurs engagés pour la souveraineté de l'Afrique !!!
Doù Daara seule les complexés et lèche cul font l'amalgame entre sa musique et sa personne et morale ...
En Septembre, 2023 (16:24 PM)Salam
En Septembre, 2023 (13:49 PM)How on earth a raptor (hitlerian Nazzi style ) of over several hundreds of innocents civilians whose sole guilt being their political engagement in à Parti that is appealing to the majority of the Senegalese electorate: many arrested in their home, others from their work places ( expl the number 2 of the opposition party victime of this crocked president.
PHow far down dors the United Nation already lacking credibility over the decades since Kofi Anaan and Hanx Bliks former UN envoy who refusé the UN endorsement of a US led military invasion of Irak.
All these new global alternatives ( BRICS ) to the UN are born from frustration of the global south in the way the UN has totally became an institution for the US and it's European allies.
This criminal Président of Senegal is or hestrating all sorts of move designed to keep him in top leadership - he is addicted to leadership and very bad one unfortunately - He does not understand the basic principle of leadership - and thing it's about making noises and lots of noises, propaganda, showcase the most unsognificant of his routines or agendas, even going to this US he took hundreds of peoples including artiste performing drums in the street of the US, crews of journalists, and the aim is to saw the seeds of his appointment as the next UN head, which will be bad news for Africa as he has already sold West Africans to the French imperial agenda.
Here is a man, Macky Sall who failed by all means to gains a third illegal Term in office, going as far as assinating over 60 youngsters men in just couples of peaceful protests that he always get his security services to engage in provocation against peaceful citizen protesting as they always did since independance before the birth of this bulldozer boulimic president. Moreover hundreds of opposition from the most celebrated opposition party were arrested and sent Jail.
Despite all the above crimes and power abuses MAcky failed to gain the right for third Term given the number of assassinations he ordered in a bid to scare the population who were not deterred because totally fed up with the leadership of corruption and clanism and public money embazlment that went unpunished.
Now that MAcky is forced to step down by the constitution, he Vowed to use his remaing 7 months, time in office to make sure that he nominate and impose his own way the Personne who will succeed him - hence making sure to go away safely without any prosecution of his crimes both blood and economics:
" I may not run f a third Term but I will still make, design the next president for you":
He is just doing that with a blessing of his lobbies and masters in Paris Élysée - and the next president is the current Prime minister, who partook in their reckless spending of the public money and other power abuse, a choice already seen as a perpetuation of the widespread nepotism and ethnocentrism style of poor leadership from MAcky Sall ( poular = fullah = Toucouleurs )
Now Sall and his formers employers Élysée Matignon the French are ok to back MAcky at the UN if he succeed in maintaing the French influence in Senegal thru his influence in the next president after him.
The deal is sealed as above - and now MAcky is already campaining for UN top Job - this the reason of all the showcase exhibited last week in front of the Maison du Senegal building in the states:
dozen of topper percussioners of the loud Senegalese drums + singers + dozens of Senegalese immigrants in the US mostly from his tribes, dressed up in uniform white African clothing, each of them paid an incentive of 1000 US dollar over as he always do when visiting the western countries ( getting his Clan via the embassies of Senegal all turned up to operate as the political branch of his party rather than a public service - MAcky organisé distribution of 50 euros per head and T-shirts to be worn ).
Sadly that propaganda setting of MAcky in front of the Housr of Senegal NY was a tragic failed as they were met with a vast majority of thousands of Senegalese protesters who came from all the 4 US corners to boo at MAcky, calling him dictator, assassin and corrupted robber of the Senegalese public finances.
The next day at the UN tribune he is going to address delegates of other nations in a farewell style tainted with some of his views that are not genuine at all, general view about the world showcasing his potential candidacy for the job. However
However the whole world is not going to watch a former president who has mudered over 60 innocent people a power hungry and Despote of Polpot style to be leading the UN:
Most of African leaders do not trust MAcky Sall as everyone is convince about the heavy duty propaganda and public relation style of this man who have no essence and always empty in the midst of loud noise: Great leaders act - great leaders try to balance between fairness, justice and equity: "Sadly those fondamentos" are missing in Macky's style. He like to act like those traditional African chiefs who sold their brothers to the white man's crafted items - alway travelling with a big cohort of singers and beggars who engage in singing his so called greatness.
The witchcraft and African mystic based on Islamic unorthodox sufism are ritual that boost this man's confident - few billions of the public finances are devoted to Macky's mystic drawn from special budgetary line called " Fonds politic" = "political fund". In the ôterions Président it was standing at less than 10 Billions Cfa after recent increase from the pre-2000 Governance ( PR Diouf ) - today MAcky is renewing yearly over 15 Billions Cfa For those uncounted funds. That would not even be necessary to mention as the whole GDP of Senegal, the ressource are managed solely by Macky's choice: budgetary line find themselves often de iated to others purposes that do not e en meet public interest but rather Macky's personal political agenda. MAcky in the Senegalese assets acts just like the king of Saudy Arabia with the oil revenus.
A True Lesder is at The antipodes of a big propagandist.
En Septembre, 2023 (17:03 PM)Gorsi
En Septembre, 2023 (13:51 PM)Md
En Septembre, 2023 (13:59 PM)Niak Ndiay2
En Septembre, 2023 (14:21 PM)Mags Maguette
En Septembre, 2023 (14:31 PM)Th
En Septembre, 2023 (15:12 PM)Comprenez que Sonko sera candidat par A ou Par B et il dirigera ce pays directement ou indirectement car le plan B serait Fatal Pour Vous les Sénégalais vont voté pour son candidat a cause de l'injustice Donc Sonko Gagne A tous les coups Bande De Minable jusqu'àu moment ou on parle Tous ces droits a être candidat Sont intacte
Macky ne pourra jamais réunir le benno Après qu'il aie Choisie Son guinéen Amadou Ba comme candidat il ne passera même pas le premier Tour c'est fini
Sonko aura sa vengeance Inchala vive Sonko❤
Il a soutenu Abdou pendant 20 ans ,avant de lui tourner le dos à la vielle de sa chute en 2000
Il a soutenu Abdoulaye wade pendant 10 ans avant de commencer à lui tourner le dos après les événements du 23 juin 2023.
Il a soutenu Macky Penda 12 ans,mais ne lui a pas toujours tourner le dos.C'est une fausse démission en réalité Youssou travaille pour la victoire de Amadou Ba indirectement.
Youssou Ndou et Amadou Ba ont exactement le même parcours,il ont fleureter avec tous les régimes qui se sont succédé au Sénégal.Youssou Ndour savait soit il accorde deux minutes à ceux qui luttent contre la dictature de Macky soit tout son concert sera perturbé en fin politicien il a fait le bon choix.
En Septembre, 2023 (16:00 PM)Abdoulaye
En Septembre, 2023 (16:01 PM)Democratie
En Septembre, 2023 (16:35 PM)Reply_author
En Septembre, 2023 (18:00 PM)Reply_author
En Septembre, 2023 (18:05 PM)inopportun et même assez à l'aise pour devoir subir les affres de l'immigration ne faisaient pas vivre leurs familles. Tout le monde sait qu'à l'étranger vous vivez misérablement et c'est seulement ici que vous donnez l'impression à ceux qui ne savent rien que vous êtes heureux. Même ici la plupart d'entre vous ne rapportent que de la pacotille pour impressionner
En Septembre, 2023 (19:01 PM)Maxx
En Septembre, 2023 (23:54 PM)Karim2024
Bafoo Meun
En Septembre, 2023 (08:00 AM)Bro
En Septembre, 2023 (08:59 AM)Reply_author
En Septembre, 2023 (10:14 AM)James
En Septembre, 2023 (14:04 PM)Participer à la Discussion