Mercredi 18 Décembre, 2024 á Dakar
Vendredi 01 Juin, 2018 +33

Serigne Aramine Mbacké nommé ambassadeur de l’IIMSAM à côté de Bill Clinton :

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Serigne Aramine Mbacké nommé ambassadeur de l’IIMSAM à côté de Bill Clinton :

Le Sénégal s’illustre encore dans la bonne manière diplomatique. En effet, Serigne Aramine Mbacké vient de faire son entrée dans le cercle fermé des ambassadeurs de l'Organisation intergouvernementale pour l'utilisation de la spiruline contre la malnutrition (IIMSAM) pour le compte du Sénégal et de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (IIMSAM). Pour matérialiser cette nomination, il a présenté ses lettres de créance hier au chef de l'Etat, Abdoulaye Wade. Il faut rappeler, par ailleurs que ce digne fils du Sénégal représente le groupe Dangote. A noter que l'IIMSAM compte parmi ses dirigeants des personnalités de premier plan au niveau mondial comme l'ancien président américain Bill Clinton.

34 Commentaires

  1. Auteur


    En Décembre, 2011 (22:18 PM)
    c'est ce senegal ki gagne different de celui ki gaagne! :up:  :up:  :up:  :up:  :up:  :up:  :up:  :up:  :up:  :up:  :up:  :up:  :up: 
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  2. Auteur

    T. Fall

    En Décembre, 2011 (22:24 PM)



    En Décembre, 2011 (22:25 PM)
    Ambassadeur de mes bottes ! Wade se ridiculise de plus en plus. C'est vrai qu'on va vers une année d'élection mais il faut pas jouer avec nos institutions. Arrêtez ce vieux singe avant qu'il ne soit trop tard.


    En Décembre, 2011 (22:28 PM)
    un senegalais se distingue(felicitation)au moment ou nos lions olympiques sont elimines par le gabon en demi finale 1 a 0,but marque a la 119e minute.


    En Décembre, 2011 (22:42 PM)
    on dirait un mongol.....comment il est mignon!!!!!
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    En Décembre, 2011 (23:37 PM)
    qui peut me renseigner sur les prix des maisons de namora???????pas serieux s'abstenir


    En Décembre, 2011 (00:29 AM)
    C un bosseur te bolewoul dara ak wakh ce n'est k l début il n'a encore rien vu

    Un Simple Patriote

    En Décembre, 2011 (00:58 AM)

    renseignez vous bien messieurs! la spiruline serait un potentiel subsitut alimentaire riche en nutriments mais peut etre très dangereux!!!

    Aux USA elle fut cultivée entre 2003 et 2006 mais l'éxpérience n'a pas été prolongée pour des raisons sanitaires.

    Depuis quelques années cette chose a été servie a beaucoup de réfugiés dans des pays en guerre. Encore une fois on se sert des misérables africains comme cobaye....

    Ce qui est sur en tout cas c'est que je n'aimerait pas voir cette chose se dévelloper au senegal tant qu'il n'aura pas fait l'objet de tests très séieux.

    l'info est dispo sur le web lisez les documents relatif à cette bombe à retardement que l'on teste sur les africains.



    En Décembre, 2011 (01:33 AM)
    Je n'ai pas encore eu d'informations faisant état de l’innocuité ou de la dangerosité de la spiruline. C'est une microalgue filamenteuse très riche en protéines et très productive. C'est un bon aliment fonctionnel qui présente de sérieux atouts pour combattre la malnutrition. Seulement, ce n'est pas une raison de s'y lancer aveuglément. Il faut des études (essais pilotes) à l'échelle locale pour valider les certaines infos et choisir les bons sites de productions et définir les moyens pour parvenir à une production efficace et de qualité.
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    En Décembre, 2011 (02:56 AM)
    Aramine congratulation


    En Décembre, 2011 (04:06 AM)
    What is Spirulina?

    Spirulina is 100% natural and a highly nutritious micro salt water plant. This spiral shaped algae is a rich food source. For a long time (centuries) this algae has constituted a significant part of the diet of many communities. Since the 1970?s, Spirulina has been well known and widely used as a dietary supplement.

    Spirulina contains rich vegetable protein (60~ 63 %, 3~4 times higher than fish or beef ), multi Vitamins (Vitamin B 12 is 3~4 times higher than animal liver), which is particularly lacking in a vegetarian diet. It contains a wide range of minerals (including Iron, Potassium, Magnesium Sodium, Phosphorus, Calcium etc.), a high volume of Beta- carotene which protects cells (5 time more than carrots, 40 time more than spinach), high volumes of gamma-Linolein acid (which can reduce cholesterol and prevent heart disease).

    The Health Benefits of Spirulina

    Boost the Immune System

    Improve Digestion

    Reduce fatigue

    Build Endurance

    Nature’s Detoxifier – Cleanse the body

    Boost Energy Levels

    Control Appetite

    Maintain Healthy Cardiovascular function

    Support the Liver and Kidneys

    Reduce Inflammation

    Benefit People Who Suffer from Allergies

    Protein in Spirulina

    As a protien supplement spirulina has a distinct advantage over other forms of supplement. Because of the important role proteins play in our overall health and well being, they are often referred to as the building blocks of life.

    Proteins are complex molecules consisting of chains of amino acids and are best known for their role in the formation and repair of structures such as muscle and bone. However, proteins and their aminos’ have numerous other vital functions, such as insulin management, immune system regeneration, mineral transport and anti-hypertensive properties.

    Proteins are made up of 22 identified amino acids. Nine of these are essential yet the body cannot produce them, so they must be provided by the diet. Non-essential amino acids are needed also, but the body can produce these itself. Essential amino acids, plus sufficient nitrogen in foods, are needed to synthesize the non-essential amino acids.

    The quality of the protein depends on the amounts of amino acids contained in a protein. The more closely the protein matches the body’s requirements the higher the quality. Spirulina is known as a ‘complete protein’ due to the fact that it contains all the essential amino acids. This means we can get our necessary intake of protein without subjecting our digestive system to the hard work of processing animal products.

    Digestable Protein Unlike other forms of protein, the protein in Spirulina is 85-95% digestible, one of the highest available. In fact, Spirulina is second only to a dried egg supplment with regards to usable protein, and higher than any of the common foods in the form in which they are usually purchased.

    Being composed of soft mucopolysaccharides, Spirulina has no cellulose in its cell walls making it easy for the body to digest and assimilate.

    Its amino acids are delivered to the body for almost instant absorption.

    Protein digestibility is important for many people and especially important for people suffering from intestinal malabsorption or digestive disorders. Typically, many older people have difficulty digesting complex proteins and are on restricted diets. They find Spirulina’s protein an ideal way of ensuring they receive the nourishment needed. Spirulina is an effective supplment for sufferers of malnutrition diseases where the ability of intestinal absorption has been damaged. Given to malnourished children, it is more effective than milk powders because milk’s lactic acid can be difficult to absorb.

    How to Consume Spirulina

    Powder (great for smoothies, juices, drinks): 100% pure powder is a uniformly dark green or blue-green color and has no other colored particles. Your body feels energy within minutes because the powder is naturally digestible. It provides quick energy and nourishment between meals or in place of a meal. Some have asked whether you can take too much. It is a perfectly safe natural food. Some people take two tablespoons or more each day. The most popular way to enjoy it at home is to add it to your favorite fruit or vegetable juice in a blender. Start with one teaspoon (5 grams) and add flavors or spices to suit your taste. Later on you can increase the amount. Many regular users take one heaping tablespoon (10 grams) per drink.


    Quality tablets can be made without sugar, starch, fillers, animal parts, preservatives, stabilizers, colors, coatings, and with only a minimum of vegetable tableting agents. Made in this way, the color of the tablet should be a uniform dark green without light colored spots or specks. Capsules should also be free of excess fillers or additives, and now, vegetable capsules are available.

    Many bottles provide nutritional information for a six tablet serving (3 grams), but you can take more if you like. Often, people take 10, 15 or 20 tablets or capsules a day. Twenty 500 mg tablets are equal to a heaping tablespoon of powder (10 grams).

    Tablets deliver the same benefits as powder, but digestion takes about an hour. For faster results, some people chew or dissolve the tablets in the mouth. Because it is a natural whole food, you can take tablets by themselves between meals.

    If you are using spirulina to balance your diet and help eat lighter meals, take tablets or capsules an hour before you eat. If there is a time of day when your energy runs low, take some tablets and see how your body feels one or two hours later. Both tablets and capsules are helpful with water after coffee or alcohol.

    Who Shouldn’t Consume Spirulina?

    1.People with hyperparathyroidism

    2.People who have serious allergies to seafood or seaweed.

    3.Patients current experiencing high fever.

    Spirulina has a strong taste, so for beginners, it’s best to blend with juice or fruit, preferably fresh pressed juice that has not been heated. It is also dark green in color and can stain clothing, so be careful not to spill!



    En Décembre, 2011 (04:18 AM)
    Proteins are complex molecules consisting of chains of amino acids and are best known for their role in the formation and repair of structures such as muscle and bone. However, proteins and their aminos’ have numerous other vital functions, such as insulin management, immune system regeneration, mineral transport and anti-hypertensive properties.

    Proteins are made up of 22 identified amino acids. Nine of these are essential yet the body cannot produce them, so they must be provided by the diet. Non-essential amino acids are needed also, but the body can produce these itself. Essential amino acids, plus sufficient nitrogen in foods, are needed to synthesize the non-essential amino acids.

    The quality of the protein depends on the amounts of amino acids contained in a protein. The more closely the protein matches the body’s requirements the higher the quality. Spirulina is known as a ‘complete protein’ due to the fact that it contains all the essential amino acids. This means we can get our necessary intake of protein without subjecting our digestive system to the hard work of processing animal products.

    Digestable Protein Unlike other forms of protein, the protein in Spirulina is 85-95% digestible, one of the highest available. In fact, Spirulina is second only to a dried egg supplment with regards to usable protein, and higher than any of the common foods in the form in which they are usually purchased.

    Being composed of soft mucopolysaccharides, Spirulina has no cellulose in its cell walls making it easy for the body to digest and assimilate.

    Its amino acids are delivered to the body for almost instant absorption.

    Protein digestibility is important for many people and especially important for people suffering from intestinal malabsorption or digestive disorders. Typically, many older people have difficulty digesting complex proteins and are on restricted diets. They find Spirulina’s protein an ideal way of ensuring they receive the nourishment needed. Spirulina is an effective supplment for sufferers of malnutrition diseases where the ability of intestinal absorption has been damaged. Given to malnourished children, it is more effective than milk powders because milk’s lactic acid can be difficult to absorb.

    How to Consume Spirulina

    Powder (great for smoothies, juices, drinks): 100% pure powder is a uniformly dark green or blue-green color and has no other colored particles. Your body feels energy within minutes because the powder is naturally digestible. It provides quick energy and nourishment between meals or in place of a meal. Some have asked whether you can take too much. It is a perfectly safe natural food. Some people take two tablespoons or more each day. The most popular way to enjoy it at home is to add it to your favorite fruit or vegetable juice in a blender. Start with one teaspoon (5 grams) and add flavors or spices to suit your taste. Later on you can increase the amount. Many regular users take one heaping tablespoon (10 grams) per drink.


    Quality tablets can be made without sugar, starch, fillers, animal parts, preservatives, stabilizers, colors, coatings, and with only a minimum of vegetable tableting agents. Made in this way, the color of the tablet should be a uniform dark green without light colored spots or specks. Capsules should also be free of excess fillers or additives, and now, vegetable capsules are available.

    Many bottles provide nutritional information for a six tablet serving (3 grams), but you can take more if you like. Often, people take 10, 15 or 20 tablets or capsules a day. Twenty 500 mg tablets are equal to a heaping tablespoon of powder (10 grams).

    Tablets deliver the same benefits as powder, but digestion takes about an hour. For faster results, some people chew or dissolve the tablets in the mouth. Because it is a natural whole food, you can take tablets by themselves between meals.

    If you are using spirulina to balance your diet and help eat lighter meals, take tablets or capsules an hour before you eat. If there is a time of day when your energy runs low, take some tablets and see how your body feels one or two hours later. Both tablets and capsules are helpful with water after coffee or alcohol.

    Who Shouldn’t Consume Spirulina?

    1.People with hyperparathyroidism

    2.People who have serious allergies to seafood or seaweed.

    3.Patients current experiencing high fever.

    Spirulina has a strong taste, so for beginners, it’s best to blend with juice or fruit, preferably fresh pressed juice that has not been heated. It is also dark green in color and can stain clothing, so be careful not to spill!



    En Décembre, 2011 (04:21 AM)
    Being composed of soft mucopolysaccharides, Spirulina has no cellulose in its cell walls making it easy for the body to digest and assimilate.

    Its amino acids are delivered to the body for almost instant absorption.

    Protein digestibility is important for many people and especially important for people suffering from intestinal malabsorption or digestive disorders. Typically, many older people have difficulty digesting complex proteins and are on restricted diets. They find Spirulina’s protein an ideal way of ensuring they receive the nourishment needed. Spirulina is an effective supplment for sufferers of malnutrition diseases where the ability of intestinal absorption has been damaged. Given to malnourished children, it is more effective than milk powders because milk’s lactic acid can be difficult to absorb.

    How to Consume Spirulina

    Powder (great for smoothies, juices, drinks): 100% pure powder is a uniformly dark green or blue-green color and has no other colored particles. Your body feels energy within minutes because the powder is naturally digestible. It provides quick energy and nourishment between meals or in place of a meal. Some have asked whether you can take too much. It is a perfectly safe natural food. Some people take two tablespoons or more each day. The most popular way to enjoy it at home is to add it to your favorite fruit or vegetable juice in a blender. Start with one teaspoon (5 grams) and add flavors or spices to suit your taste. Later on you can increase the amount. Many regular users take one heaping tablespoon (10 grams) per drink.


    Quality tablets can be made without sugar, starch, fillers, animal parts, preservatives, stabilizers, colors, coatings, and with only a minimum of vegetable tableting agents. Made in this way, the color of the tablet should be a uniform dark green without light colored spots or specks. Capsules should also be free of excess fillers or additives, and now, vegetable capsules are available.

    Many bottles provide nutritional information for a six tablet serving (3 grams), but you can take more if you like. Often, people take 10, 15 or 20 tablets or capsules a day. Twenty 500 mg tablets are equal to a heaping tablespoon of powder (10 grams).

    Tablets deliver the same benefits as powder, but digestion takes about an hour. For faster results, some people chew or dissolve the tablets in the mouth. Because it is a natural whole food, you can take tablets by themselves between meals.

    If you are using spirulina to balance your diet and help eat lighter meals, take tablets or capsules an hour before you eat. If there is a time of day when your energy runs low, take some tablets and see how your body feels one or two hours later. Both tablets and capsules are helpful with water after coffee or alcohol.

    Who Shouldn’t Consume Spirulina?

    1.People with hyperparathyroidism

    2.People who have serious allergies to seafood or seaweed.

    3.Patients current experiencing high fever.

    Spirulina has a strong taste, so for beginners, it’s best to blend with juice or fruit, preferably fresh pressed juice that has not been heated. It is also dark green in color and can stain clothing, so be careful not to spill!

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    En Décembre, 2011 (04:24 AM)
    The most popular way to enjoy it at home is to add it to your favorite fruit or vegetable juice in a blender. Start with one teaspoon (5 grams) and add flavors or spices to suit your taste. Later on you can increase the amount. Many regular users take one heaping tablespoon (10 grams) per drink.


    Quality tablets can be made without sugar, starch, fillers, animal parts, preservatives, stabilizers, colors, coatings, and with only a minimum of vegetable tableting agents. Made in this way, the color of the tablet should be a uniform dark green without light colored spots or specks. Capsules should also be free of excess fillers or additives, and now, vegetable capsules are available.

    Many bottles provide nutritional information for a six tablet serving (3 grams), but you can take more if you like. Often, people take 10, 15 or 20 tablets or capsules a day. Twenty 500 mg tablets are equal to a heaping tablespoon of powder (10 grams).

    Tablets deliver the same benefits as powder, but digestion takes about an hour. For faster results, some people chew or dissolve the tablets in the mouth. Because it is a natural whole food, you can take tablets by themselves between meals.

    If you are using spirulina to balance your diet and help eat lighter meals, take tablets or capsules an hour before you eat. If there is a time of day when your energy runs low, take some tablets and see how your body feels one or two hours later. Both tablets and capsules are helpful with water after coffee or alcohol.

    Who Shouldn’t Consume Spirulina?

    1.People with hyperparathyroidism

    2.People who have serious allergies to seafood or seaweed.

    3.Patients current experiencing high fever.

    Spirulina has a strong taste, so for beginners, it’s best to blend with juice or fruit, preferably fresh pressed juice that has not been heated. It is also dark green in color and can stain clothing, so be careful not to spill!



    En Décembre, 2011 (04:26 AM)
    Both tablets and capsules are helpful with water after coffee or alcohol.

    Who Shouldn’t Consume Spirulina?

    1.People with hyperparathyroidism

    2.People who have serious allergies to seafood or seaweed.

    3.Patients current experiencing high fever.

    Spirulina has a strong taste, so for beginners, it’s best to blend with juice or fruit, preferably fresh pressed juice that has not been heated. It is also dark green in color and can stain clothing, so be careful not to spill!



    En Décembre, 2011 (04:38 AM)
    La spiruline est une source de nourriture pour les Aztèques et d'autres Mésoaméricains jusqu'au 16ème siècle;.. Sa récolte à partir du lac Texcoco et la vente subséquente des gâteaux est décrit par un des soldats de Cortés »[4] [5] Les Aztèques l'appelaient" techuitlatl »[3]

    La spiruline a été trouvé en abondance au lac Texcoco par des chercheurs français dans les années 1960, mais il n'ya aucune référence à son utilisation par les Aztèques comme une source de nourriture par jour après le 16ème siècle, probablement à cause de l'assèchement des lacs environnants pour le développement agricole et urbain [2]. [3] la première grande usine de production de spiruline, géré par Sosa Texcoco, a été créé il ya dans le début des années 1970 [1].

    Leo Szilard postulé le développement de suppléments alimentaires à base d'algues (qu'il appelle «Amruss") dans sa courte histoire 1961, La Voix des Dauphins. [Citation nécessaire]

    La spiruline peut avoir une histoire encore plus longue, au Tchad, aussi loin que l'empire du Kanem 9ème siècle. [Citation nécessaire] Il est encore dans l'utilisation quotidienne d'aujourd'hui, séché dans des gâteaux appelés dihé, qui sont utilisés pour faire des bouillons pour les repas, et également vendu dans les marchés. La spiruline est récoltée à partir de petits lacs et étangs autour du lac Tchad. [6]


    En Décembre, 2011 (05:41 AM)
    Waw nice job

    u guys did some real research. For once this site is informative

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    En Décembre, 2011 (05:53 AM)
    Felicitations Serigne bi et du courage, vaiment nous de Food Emporium on est tous content de vous. Merci. Baye Fall l'ami de Serigne Mame Mor Mbacke Diaraf.


    En Décembre, 2011 (08:09 AM)
    C'est BIEN. Mais, on produit déjà de la SPIRULINE au Sénégal. Où et par QUI? :hun:   <img src="" alt=":cool:">   :-D  :up: 

    Wagne Moustapha

    En Décembre, 2011 (09:17 AM)
    je suis tres content de la nomination de Serigne Aramine Mbacke et je le souhaite un bon travail. Inch alla


    En Décembre, 2011 (09:38 AM)
    Congratulation two our chairman!

      <img src="" alt=":jumpy:">  
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    En Décembre, 2011 (09:45 AM)


    En Décembre, 2011 (09:52 AM)
    Toutes mes félicitations DG seul le travail paye!!! je vous souhaite beaucoup de succès dans cette lourde tache qui vous est confiée ; bonne continuation



    En Décembre, 2011 (10:41 AM)
    felicitation serigne aramine vous le meritez amplement sa kaw sa kanam c le sénégal ki gagne.


    En Décembre, 2011 (11:18 AM)
    Devinette tu es trop fort,bien entendu c'est une culture reservee a Madame Viviane Wade.La dame de Mr cupide Wade.Je ne connais pas le lien avec mon ami Aramine,mais bon l'avenir nous en dira plus.
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    Jammi Rewmi

    En Décembre, 2011 (11:50 AM)



    En Décembre, 2011 (15:08 PM)
    @ ALBA.Désolé de n'avoir pas signé mon premier post.

    Tu es plus fort que moi alors.Tu as comprit. Donc Madame est déjà BIEN INSTALLÉE dans le secteur depuis des années .Elle connait le terrain, les méthodes, la technique de culture et les réseaux mondiaux aussi. Ça signifie que MBACKE et L'IIMSAM ne pourront la contourner. Ils devront coopérer ou compter avec elle, si ce n'est déja fait ou en voie. Elle en sait un bon rayon crois moi.Il sera bien difficile de se passer d'elle.

    ARAMINE Mbacké n'est pas mon ami, ni MMe WADE du reste , mais je te parle de réalisme en " affaires " et en " expérience " et de fédérer les efforts pour la production et/ou la diffusion de la spiruline dans la sous région. On traite avec ceux qui savent déjà, ont de l'expérience, au lieu de perdre le temps à les combattre. De toutes façons, l'objectif est le même, à savoir " l'utilisation de la spiruline contre la malnutrition (IIMSAM) pour le compte du Sénégal et de l’Afrique de l’Ouest ". Rien à priori ne dit que IIMSAM et Mme Wade ne s'apprécient pas.

    BRAVO tout de même. :up:  :up:  :up:  :up: 


    En Décembre, 2011 (23:49 PM)
    gni doon wakh bagne toubab doyna diamou yalla, tay gnoy damoo ndombal tank si wétou toubab bou rey ay diouniy djoulites.

    sa diiné bouy rotchikou dooko yeuk.


    En Décembre, 2011 (07:00 AM)
    @ WAAROU.

    Waayé diiné santaané na nitki aand ak bénéén nit ci liguéy ak déff lou baakh. Mouy dioulit , chrétien, yahout, hindouiste, bouddhiste, wala koumou mounti doon. Ganaaw LIGUEY ak DEFF LOU BAAKH MOOLEEN TAKHA DIOGG.Wala? Konn nak... :up:  :up:  :up: 
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    En Décembre, 2011 (08:42 AM)





    Aicha New York

    En Décembre, 2011 (09:35 AM)
    God bless you my brother kept the good work you are good example of all senegalaise this is nothing you deserve more you are roll model

    We are in your side we all. Pray for you be strong you are in the Rigth track

    We all love you you are my idol


    En Décembre, 2011 (13:46 PM)
    est encore une foi serigne touba montre sa dimantiones exeptionelle du courage chiekhbi thia kaw thia kaname

      <img src="" alt=":jumpy:">   :tala-sylla: 

    New York City

    En Décembre, 2011 (15:17 PM)
    Keeping the good work you can do more than this

    God bless you more
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    En Décembre, 2011 (13:16 PM)
    C très bien mm, après avoir tuer ton frère Kader Mbacke, et tu sais komen. C kom ça ke tu as fais pour pouvoir percer. Ki te connaissait de son vivant. Pauvre de toi ki , komen vas tu finir?

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