Nooooooooooooooooon mais nekhoul ba nekhoul nak mais Gallo amoulo beneu khorom.. Li C.G (Sanex) di wakh rek Gallo dafa perimé mais ceci est la confirmation.
la comédie c"est une affaire de jeune si tu atteins un certain age tu es déminéralisé( gnak khorome)et c"est le cas de cet homme comment peux tu quitter ta femme pour aller faire le clown a la télé ,pitié de toi !!!
Ok! Gallo is trying hard to be funny ...but so far this is not really a comedy
who ever decided that this will be a show is just paying Gallo for nothing ...Cmon` in senegal you can find people way more interesting than what Gallo is doing now...
Gallo needs to be more creative!!!
we are not laughing at all...
If you don`t step up to the game, your show will be cancelled anytime ....and then you will be really pissed because you did not deliver as expected...and you will be back to what you use to do....... dance !!!!!
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7 Commentaires
En Août, 2012 (19:47 PM)sans classe, sans retenue, sans compétence!
En Août, 2012 (19:49 PM)Galomove
En Août, 2012 (20:03 PM)Bastian
En Août, 2012 (21:38 PM)Dthhf
En Août, 2012 (22:18 PM)A Dormir Debout
En Août, 2012 (23:34 PM)bene instant je me suis demandée pk je regardais sa sakh
mais galo niak na khorom ba diakhal ma
dabitude il fesait rire mais tey mom kene khamoul li lane la
En Septembre, 2012 (17:03 PM)who ever decided that this will be a show is just paying Gallo for nothing ...Cmon` in senegal you can find people way more interesting than what Gallo is doing now...
Gallo needs to be more creative!!!
we are not laughing at all...
If you don`t step up to the game, your show will be cancelled anytime ....and then you will be really pissed because you did not deliver as expected...and you will be back to what you use to do....... dance !!!!!
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