Un expat qui voit la Gouvernance actuelle du Sénégal et son potentiel impact sur la securite future ( voire actuelle des populations ) et la stabilité Nationale ( un Pays ressemblant p,unit à Une jungle - aucun sens communautaire - chacun cherchant à s'emparer d'un morceau de la peau Dans un processus de dépeçage fast track . No no and no !
A place for living is chosen based on strong criteria including first and foremost: Security - employment / education possibilities ( if we are still active or Ou children are ) - good health facilities up to the modern standards - safe and clean environment up to the standards established by the multilateral bodies of the UN and accessories that enhance liveability : seaside - Sporting and recreational facilities - Parks ect.... the natural wether can be an added value ( temperature - humidity ).
maintenant Si Vous avez Vos critères personels bonne chance - bonne chance - personnellement j'avais Ce projet MAis Je l'ai annulé convaincu par les dégâts irréversibles infligés à Ce jadis beau et agréable Pays Par le passage de l'Alteroapernoce - cette Gouvernance maléfique qui a fini Par diaboliser le Sénégal et Presque 95% Des Senegalais.
Sad decision to end life in foreign land after nearly 3 decades of migration. Very sad ended.
Oh my God is it that lady nicknamed Awa COUDOU Mbanah by president when she spent couple of billions cfa without any tendering process, purchasing via an awkward deal tens of thousands of Soup spoon for the ministry of social work: fifty thousand cfa the unit instead of 500 Cfa.
When the public opinion expressed concerned and the whole thing became an issue, Président Wade made that joke to play down a majors economic crime: " Bayiileenko COUDOU mbanah wornah meunnah djaar lolou". That was renaming of Awa COUDOU Mbanah - The funniest, wildest and greediest case of corruption in public governance.
She has been amnestied by MAcky after becoming the second spouse of our gras double's best friend and former classmate, Cheikh Kanté another big name of Apernoce since his big portfolio of Port autonome distributing right and and left for the purpose of " operation massification de L'APR ).
Awa COUDOU mbana's presence in this delegation, is on it's own, sufficient enough to discourage any potential buyer.
Dear fellow expat from the US - do not jeopardise years of hard savings with these crocked operations from Galsen - it is Sad to say but the truth when considering all the development in this jungle like country where values of honesty have vanished starting from the leadership both temporal and spiritual - how can someone in his right mind today would invest in proposals, plans, projects of any kind in the Galsen of today ?
Have you bee next following the governance of Senegal over the last two decades ( alternoce Wade + Apernoce MAcky ) = from bad to worse.
investing in property in Jolof is biggest gambling operation one can enguage in - Billahi !
Easier to go to Vegas for you Guys in the States if you wanna gamble your hard earn money.
Ils en sont au 17ème forum. Est ce qu'ils ont des statistiques niveau satisfaction des clients. J'ai connais pleins d'amis qui n'ont pas eu une expérience avec ces "salons immobiliers" avec toujours l'incontournable Dame Babou. A moins que je vis dans des cavernes je viens de faire connaissance avec cet événement. Personnellement je me rendrai au Sénégal cette année avec l'unique d'acheter mon propre terrain
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6 Commentaires
Liveability Criterias
En Juin, 2022 (13:50 PM)A place for living is chosen based on strong criteria including first and foremost: Security - employment / education possibilities ( if we are still active or Ou children are ) - good health facilities up to the modern standards - safe and clean environment up to the standards established by the multilateral bodies of the UN and accessories that enhance liveability : seaside - Sporting and recreational facilities - Parks ect.... the natural wether can be an added value ( temperature - humidity ).
maintenant Si Vous avez Vos critères personels bonne chance - bonne chance - personnellement j'avais Ce projet MAis Je l'ai annulé convaincu par les dégâts irréversibles infligés à Ce jadis beau et agréable Pays Par le passage de l'Alteroapernoce - cette Gouvernance maléfique qui a fini Par diaboliser le Sénégal et Presque 95% Des Senegalais.
Sad decision to end life in foreign land after nearly 3 decades of migration. Very sad ended.
Careful Mates
En Juin, 2022 (15:05 PM)Oh my God is it that lady nicknamed Awa COUDOU Mbanah by president when she spent couple of billions cfa without any tendering process, purchasing via an awkward deal tens of thousands of Soup spoon for the ministry of social work: fifty thousand cfa the unit instead of 500 Cfa.
When the public opinion expressed concerned and the whole thing became an issue, Président Wade made that joke to play down a majors economic crime: " Bayiileenko COUDOU mbanah wornah meunnah djaar lolou". That was renaming of Awa COUDOU Mbanah - The funniest, wildest and greediest case of corruption in public governance.
She has been amnestied by MAcky after becoming the second spouse of our gras double's best friend and former classmate, Cheikh Kanté another big name of Apernoce since his big portfolio of Port autonome distributing right and and left for the purpose of " operation massification de L'APR ).
Awa COUDOU mbana's presence in this delegation, is on it's own, sufficient enough to discourage any potential buyer.
Dear fellow expat from the US - do not jeopardise years of hard savings with these crocked operations from Galsen - it is Sad to say but the truth when considering all the development in this jungle like country where values of honesty have vanished starting from the leadership both temporal and spiritual - how can someone in his right mind today would invest in proposals, plans, projects of any kind in the Galsen of today ?
Have you bee next following the governance of Senegal over the last two decades ( alternoce Wade + Apernoce MAcky ) = from bad to worse.
investing in property in Jolof is biggest gambling operation one can enguage in - Billahi !
Easier to go to Vegas for you Guys in the States if you wanna gamble your hard earn money.
Wellington / NZ
Dame Babou
En Juin, 2022 (01:46 AM)Heures 10h-18H.
En Juin, 2022 (03:06 AM)BE CAREFUL GUY
En Juin, 2022 (03:42 AM)Cilantro44
En Juin, 2022 (10:57 AM)Participer à la Discussion